A guide to fight boredom (part 1)

In times of the pandemics it's easy to get bored, there are days, when my brain, and brains of my fellow volunteers look like in the video above. But no worries, there are ways to change boredom into an enormous frustration combined with a sadistic enjoyment of your friends when they figure out the games before you. So, below i give you few examples of games/riddles to play with your friends and torture them a little:

My torturers
  1. How many cows are there?
    The rules of the game are easy. A game master, creates a beat, for example two claps with their hands, three finger snaps and one hit on the ground. And then asks a question "How many cows are there" the participants have to guess the number. Every round both, the beat and the question changes, so it might be "how many" "how many cows" "how many cows are there in the sky", or simply nothing, but a waiting look. The trick is, that while everyone tries to figue out the sequence of the claps, snaps etc., the real answer is the number of words in the question, so given the examples above it goes as follows: 2,3,8,0.
  2. Musical box.
    The game starts with a sentence "I have a musical box, guess, what is inside". Participants, one, after another give examples of object e.g painting, glass, family, rectangle, lamp... For as long, as everyone figures out the game. And since it's a musical box, the objects inside have to be musical as well, and that means they contain sounds belonging to the solmisation range "do, re, mi, fa, sol, la, si, do". So from the example list, in the box there would be family, rectangle and lamp. What is worth mentioning, that if a person guessed one word, it doesn't mean they guessed the game, they have to figure out the rules, this applies to all the games given in the list.
  3. This is the rules.
    This is one of the easiest games to figure out. First, you show your whole hand with five fingers and say "this is the rules", next you show a random number of fingers and ask, how much is it, each turn you can change the numer you are showing, its up to you. The paticipants have to guess the number and the rules. The most likely is, that they will say the number of fingers they see, however, its not correct. The real answer is, that it's always the number you showed before. So, in the beginning it's always five because you show your all your fingers.
    It goes like this First sign "this is the rules" you show your whole hand, then, for example you show 3 fingers and ask "how much is this" The correct answer is 5. Next, you show 4 fingers, but the correct answer is 3, because in the previous round you showed three fingers, and so on.

    PS. what is interesting, i played those games with my nephews, and the younger one was able to understand them way much quicker than the older one. Probably because, the older we get, the more complex we see and try to create patterns, where they don't exist.
