A guide to fight boredom (part 2)
If the first part of the guide to fight boredom was too challenging/frustrating for you, no worries! Since the pandemics restrictions are getting looser and looser you can finally kind of hang out with your friends!
However, i am aware, that for the past few months, sitting at home you were most probably doing nothing, thus you have nothing to talk about with them. To kill the awkward silence that might affect your friendship, i prepared a list of games to play in a group. Enjoy!
- First, my absolute favourite, THE HAT GAME.
So, in order to play this game you will need a hat, and a lot of pieces of paper. Each paticipant gets 3 pieces of paper, on which he or she will write down words (ANY WORDS), fold the paper and without showing anyone what they wrote, put them in a hat. Then participants split in groups, at least two people per group. Now, the game starts, basically its a fancy version of charades, so you guess the word other people wrote, it is imortant to remember them, because the game has 4 rounds!
In round one, you describe the word, as usual, in round two, you descibe the word, using another word (just one!) so, for example the paper says "mug" you can say something connected, like "cup" "coffee" etc. The last two rounds are tricky and this is where the fun starts, in round four, you can only mimic, and in round five only use sounds. Enjoy! - BOLTS (or boats, balls?? everyone has its name but what matters, is that they all sound the same).
So, you need a lot of people in this game, they should stay in a circle. One person starts counting, says "one", person next to that one says "two" etc., all the way to 21. The trick is, that on numbers that are multiples of 7, and on 17 instead of saying the number you say "BOLTS" (boats/balls). So. instead of 7, 14, 17, 21. Then, the last person, which is the 21st, comes up with another rule, this might be "instead of 4 we say "I don't like cucumbers", or "From now on 4 is 5 and 5 is 4". The person that makes a mistake can be punished, or drink a sip of juice :)))). Be creative and make it fun!
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